Monday, December 10, 2018

Single review: PHIL EDWARDS BAND ‘Cabin In The Woods’

After taking a short break following their debut releases, the hit single Crash and their album Slow Borders, the Phil Edwards Band have resurfaced with a line-up change, a bunch of new tunes and a fresh lease of life, which is evident on this new single Cabin in the Woods. This single is a marked progression from their earlier material, whose style was summery and a little more pop orientated, and although the same instrumentation is in place—guitar, bass, drums, vocals—there is new layer threaded through the music. It’s no less gentle and delicate but feels in some ways weightier, as though a new level of intimacy has been appropriated.
The song’s lyric can be best described as a meditation on the joys of living a simple life and reconnecting with nature. The idea of reconnecting with nature is used here as a metaphor regarding the connection to another person. With a less interesting and arresting voice such an idea might come off as conventional, but Phil Edwards’ vulnerable sounding timbre and his intensely confidential tone reveal a sincerity which helps embolden the rest of the band’s performance. There is a sombre lilt to his voice also, and this never detracts but rather adds yet another substratum to the band’s overall sound. The result is a record that is less like the pop-fused folk tunes of a Jack Johnson and Jason Mraz and more in line with alt-indie folk rock like Fleet Foxes and Ben Howard.
The song’s chord structure may lean more towards country but when blended with all the other elements a far richer sonic palette is created, both accessible and enigmatic. No doubt radio and streaming platforms will jump on this, if not for the exposed intimacy and soothing cadences of Phil Edwards’ vocals then for the universal appeal of the authentic, earthy nature of the band’s music.

PEB consists of Phil Edwards, Adrian Ashdown, Callum Goldie and Graham Bell. Their live set brings together elements of blues, funk, reggae and country, all with an honest soulful vibe that’s easy to move to and hard to forget.
Established in 2008, the band spent four years travelling across Australasia, performing at festivals such as Rhythm and Vines, Melbourne Moomba Water Festival, Blues Brews and Barbecues and the Whangamata Summer Festival.
The band’s 2010 debut single ‘Crash’ hit the ears of thousands and gained an A rotation on More FM. The same year also saw the release of PEB’s first album, “Slow Borders”, mixed by Dave O’Donnell (John Mayer, James Taylor, Keith Richards).
OE’s took over and after a short two year hiatus, PEB are back hitting the ground running. As momentum builds for the band, they’ve been busy in the studio working on their second album and a number of music videos. The upcoming album is being mixed by lauded New Zealand singer/songwriter, and winner of the 2016 Silver Scroll award for his song ‘If I Move to Mars’, Thomas Oliver.

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